Run settings
Run settings allow you to control the speed and parallelization of your test execution. Using these settings, you can specify how fast/slow your tests run when you run all or a subset of tests. This is generally beneficial if you want to speed up execution of large test suites or slow it down so that it adheres to your backend's rate limits and resource constraints.
You can access these settings from the gear icon next to "Run All" button on Test Suite Details page.
These are the settings that are currently available:
- Wait time between API calls (ms): This is the amount of time (default is 1000ms) KushoAI will wait between each test run. This setting can be used to make sure that we don't end up hitting the rate limit of your backend. On the other hand, to speed up execution, you can set this to 0 so that there's no wait between test runs
- No. of tests to run in parallel: This is the number of tests executed in parallel (default is 1) when you run all or subset of tests. Use this to speed up execution of large test suites, given that your backend can handle parallel requests